School Uniforms
All children are expected and encouraged to wear school uniform.
We believe it helps to promote a positive school identity and actively encourages the children to take pride in their appearance.
Please ensure all items of clothing and bag have your child’s name written clearly, so that lost items can be easily identified.
Branded school uniform items can be purchased from:-
Crested School Wear Dudley
01384 918330
Churchill Shopping Centre
Please note:
Unbranded school uniform of the correct colour can also be worn in school.

The Girls Uniform Consists of:
Grey Skirt/Pinafore Dress
Red and White Check Dress (summer)
Grey Trousers (No Jeans or Cargo Trousers)
White Shirt/Polo Shirt
School Sweatshirt/Cardigan
Black Shoes (Trainers are NOT allowed)
Tights/Socks in school colours only.
Red, Blue or Yellow T-Shirt (dependent on house colours)
Black or Red Shorts
Red, Blue or Yellow T-Shirt (dependent on house colours)
Black or Red Shorts
Plain Black or Red Track Suit or Jogging Bottoms/Sweatshirt - optional for winter only
Trainers may be worn if outside

The Boys Uniform Consists of:
Grey Tailored Trousers (No Jeans or Cargo Trousers)
White Shirt/Polo Shirt
School Sweatshirt
Black Shoes (Trainers are NOT allowed)
Red, Blue or Yellow T-Shirt (dependent on house colours)
Black or Red Shorts
Red, Blue or Yellow T-Shirt (dependent on house colours)
Black or Red Shorts
Plain Black or Red Track Suit or Jogging Bottoms/Sweatshirt - optional for winter only
Trainers may be worn if outside
Jewellery and Makeup
Children are NOT permitted to wear makeup at school (this includes non-uniform days). NO nail varnish or false nails are to be worn. Only small stud earrings are allowed in school and no other form of jewellery should be worn (unless it is for religious reasons). No bandanas or other hair accessories are permitted. Long hair should be tied up at all times when in school with a hair bobble.