If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, you should contact the attendance officer on 01384 816825 or email: to report their absence.
You can also fill out this online form to report your child's absence:-
Regular school attendance has always been important. At Jesson’s we take pride in our attendance and celebrate those who attend regularly.

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their children receive an effective full-time education by regular school attendance.
If your child fails to attend school for any reason, please contact the school in the first instance by telephone 01384 816825. When your child returns to school, please send a written explanation to the teacher.
Medical visits should also be put in writing and sent to the teacher.
If parents know that their child is going to be absent from school for non-medical reasons, they should telephone the school for guidance on 01384 816825.
Unexplained Absences
Any unexplained absence has to be recorded as unauthorised and annotated accordingly, and these figures are regularly reviewed by the local authority and our pastoral team.
Holidays in School Time
The Governing Body does NOT consent to any parent taking children on holiday during term time.
Pupils going on holiday in school time will NOT be authorised.
Authorisation for absence can not be given retrospectively. Authorised absence includes special religious occasions, i.e. Diwali/Eid.
Accurate registration is very important for the safety and security of the children at school. Attendance registers are marked at the beginning of each morning and afternoon session and authorised and unauthorised absences must, BY LAW, be recorded.
Registers are marked at the start of the session, so any child arriving after this time must report to the office for the secretary to update the 'Lates List'.
If a child is taken out of school for an appointment, parents should report to the office to collect their child and will be required to sign them out.
Please check School Times for your child's start and finish times.