Child Safety
Keeping your Child Safe - Stranger Safety
- Establish a close and open relationship with your child at an early age, this will make it easier for them to ask for your help, and build their self-esteem.
- Empower your child with honest and factual information about their body and let them know what is and what isn't appropriate touching.
- Teach your child that everyone's private areas (covered by their swimsuit) are just for themselves and no one should try to touch them.
- Most abuse and abduction cases are by someone the child knows - teach your child to say NO if they ever feel uncomfortable around anyone.
- Never force a child to hug or kiss a relative if they don't want to. It's OK to say no if they feel uncomfortable, they don't need to be polite.
- Establish a "no secrets" rule in your family, especially if something makes your child feel nervous, scared or they have that "uh oh" feeling.
- Give your child the names (and phone numbers) of at least three trusted adults who they can always confide in, especially if you are not available.
- Teach your children to never go anywhere with an adult they don't know, and if they become lost to go to a mother with children or to STOP and yell.
- Never leave your child with a person you don't trust.
- Teach your child a secret password that only you and they know and tell them that if someone else is sent to collect them from school, the person must be able to tell them the password or they do not go with them.