Curriculum Intent

At Jesson's C of E Primary School, we are proud to teach a very broad curriculum, which covers all of the National Curriculum Statutory requirements - and more!


Each year group plans a timetable to ensure all children get their entitlement for each subject. For Maths and English, this means daily lessons. For most other subjects, weekly lessons are timetabled.

Teachers can use their discretion, whereby they can choose to teach subjects as a 'block' of lessons, for History for example.

Cross-curricular links are encouraged as much as possible - linking art and DT to History and Geography etc.

Children are taught in their classes and Teaching Assistants (TAs) are timetables so that each class has an equal amount of support in each Key Stage. TAs give additional support to SEND children as required.

Curriculum Maps

RE Syllabus

HRE Curriculum Map

School Life iOS Mobile Application
A School Life Website
School Life Android Mobile Application