Child Safety week 2024
Child Safety Week is an annual campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented.
The theme for 2024 is ‘Safety. Sorted’ which aims to raise awareness of the number of children that are seriously burned and scalded each year. Many of these accidents are entirely preventable. ‘Families should feel confident that, with one small change, they can stop a serious accident. And be clear about what they need to do to keep their children safe.’
The link below is for the Child Safety Week Parents’ Pack
This year #ChildSafetyWeek is all about sharing the really practical, simple things we can all do to keep children safe. The Child Accident Prevention Trust Parent’s Pack provides bite-sized facts and safety tips on the main accident risks to children: #SafetySorted.

Important: Updated information and support on Group A Strep (GAS) and Scarlet Fever
Dudley Council has developed a council web page to provide more advice and support for parents/carers and others who wish to find out more about Group A Strep and Scarlet Fever and what to do if they suspect their children may have the infection.
You can either visit the Dudley Council website or use this link Click Here
“Happier Minds”
Mental well-being support for young people, parent carers and school-based professionals in Dudley.
A new website has been launched to help young people, parent carers and professionals find information about mental health in Dudley borough.
Happier Minds can help you find the mental well-being information you need. It also provides information on how to get help urgently for people in crisis.
The website has 3 sections – for young people, parent carers and school-based professionals, all sections contain useful support and information.
The young people section for those aged 11yrs and over (secondary school and college), has video resources and useful contacts.
For parents/carers, there is information to help you to support your child and also resources to support their own mental well-being.
The professional section of the website has been designed for those working with young people in schools/colleges and provides useful information and resources.
Measles - important information